Agrios Naturals Hemp FAQs

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a variety of the cannabis sativa plant, just like marijuana. The difference is that hemp is very high in CBD, contains less than 0.3% THC (does not get you high) and is federally legal in all 50 states. Whereas marijuana has higher levels of THC (does get you high) and is not federally legal.

What is CBD?

Aka cannabidiol, is the second main cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that offers an array of benefits without the “high”.

What are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis plants, both hemp and marijuana. Cannabinoids include CBD/THC/CBN/CBG and many more! 

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are another group of naturally occurring compounds that are found in many plants, cannabis included. They are responsible for a plants distinct color, taste and pigment.  

What is Full-Spectrum?

Full-spectrum hemp contains all the compounds of the cannabis plant (cannabinoids & terpenes & flavonoids) and provides the entourage effect. Full- spectrum hemp contains 0.3% THC or less. 

What is the Entourage Effect?

This effect states that although the compounds from the cannabis plant work well on their own (isolate), they create a more synergistic effect when they are together (broad/full spectrum). 

What is the ECS?

The Endocannabinoid System  is a biological system that plays important roles in our CNS (Central Nervous System) development and is composed of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) and the enzymes used for synthesis and degradation. 

 How do I use CBD drops?

Agrios CBD drops can be used in multiple ways:
1. Sublingually
For fastest absorption and higher bioavailability, we suggest placing 1 full dropper (1mL) under your tongue and letting it soak for 30-60 seconds. This way the product gets absorbed through your mucous membrane and goes directly into your bloodstream, approx 30 minutes onset time. 
2. Orally
You can also mix in with your favorite meals or smoothies. When you ingest orally, the product gets processed through your digestive tract before entering the bloodstream, taking up to 2 hours for you to feel relief. Due to this process, some of the product gets lost in the liver and digestive system, making the bioavailability lower than the sublingual option. 
3. Topically
Although our drops are made for ingesting, they can also be used topically.
*We recommend topical uses to be at night. If you use it during the day, wear sunscreen and keep that area covered from the sun. Essential oils can irritate the skin when exposed to the sun.